Thursday, December 6, 2007

Boiled Lemon Grass as a Diarrhea Medicine


Diarrhea usually develops suddenly and may last from several hours to a few days. It is often accompanied by abdominal pains, low fever, nausea and vomiting. Diarrhea is a common symptoms of “gastrointestinal”. This investigatory project shows that we can produce diarrhea medicine without spending much money, time and effort. This investigatory help to save the money of patient suffering from diarrhea instead of buying expensive commercialized medicine. It has no side effects because of it has no chemical containing ingredients: lemongrass, sugar, ginger and water. Just make sure that the materials you used is clean, especially the water, sometimes we get diarrhea in water we use, and sometimes, in improper cleaning of our body.

Background of the Study:

We have notice that our community has a lots of food, so that we produced investigatory about medicine. Because of our opinion, we get many kinds of illness, such as diarrhea on it. This investigatory project is easy to produce. Lemon grass, sugar, ginger and water are the main ingredients. Lemon grass is a tropical grass cultivated to boil to make its syrup. If we don’t put sugar our investigatory will be tasteless.

Statement of the Problem:

1. Can we produce diarrhea medicine out of lemon grass, ginger, water and sugar?
2. Is the proposed medicine has side effects?
3. Do we need much money to produce this investigatory project?


1. We can produce our own diarrhea medicine out of lemon grass, ginger, water and sugar.
2. The proposed medicine has no side effect because of its ingredients.
3. We don’t need much money to produce this investigatory project.

Significance of the Study:

The significance of the study is that we can produce diarrhea medicine without wasting much money, time and effort. For example, one of your family members suffers from diarrhea. You live in farm, usually lemon grass planted in the farm. If you have these ingredients, you can make diarrhea medicine.

Objectives of the study:

1. To help people who have no enough money to save their money instead of buying expensive commercialized diarrhea medicine.
2. To give ideas on how to make medicine without spending much money, time and effort.
3. To prove that we don’t need to waste money for buying medicine. Be widen your imagination.

Scope and Limitation:

1. This study used only sugar as flavoring. Not too sweet, not to bitter. So that when kids drink it, they will not throw it or they drink it without demanding.
We also used star apple leaves, but we thought that if we use lemon grass without sugar, children will drink it more than star apple.


Casserole Ginger
Lemon Grass Cup/Glass
Sugar Clean Water


1. Get 10 leaves of lemon grass
2. Wash it with clean water
3. Put it in the casserole with 2 glasses of water then boil it with in 10 minutes.
4. Add with 1 tablespoon of sugar and piece of ginger.
5. Put it in cup of glass.


Adults : 1 cup (3x a day)
Children : Baby: 1 tablespoon (3x a day)
2 – 6 yrs. Old : ¼ cup (3x a day)
7 – 12 yrs. Old : ½ cup (3x a day)

Review of Related Literature:

Based on Encarta 2007, diarrhea is a frequent passage of abnormally loose watery stool. Diarrhea is usually develops suddenly and may last from several hours to a few days. It is often accompanied by abdominal pains, low fever, nausea and vomiting. It’s symptoms of numerous disorders, such as food poisoning from contaminated foods or beverages, infections by viruses and bacteria anxiety.
Chronic diarrhea, which last for weeks or months, may be caused by amoebic dysentery intestinal infections, tumors and other serious intestinal disorders such as crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis or irritable bowel syndrome.
The usual treatment for diarrhea consists of bed rest, drinking liquids to replace fluids and salt lost from body and eating soft foods. Dehydration is a serious concern infants and the elderly.
Carbohydrates are the human body’s key source of energy providing a calories of energy per gram when carbohydrates are broken down by the body the sugar glucose is produced, glucose is critical to help maintain tissue protein, metabolized fat and fuel central nervous system.
Enteritis is an inflammatory disease of intestine accompanied usually by abdominal pain, cramps, fever, loss of appetite, nausea and diarrhea.

Analyzing Record / Data

Boiled leaves used Observation
Boiled Lemon grass It can cure diarrhea
Boiled Star Apple leaves It can cure diarrhea
Boiled lagundi leaves It can’t cure diarrhea,
recommended only for cough.

It shows that the lemon grass and star apple leaves when you boil it, can cure diarrhea. The boiled lagundi doesn’t cure diarrhea, its is usually recommended for cough.

Taste of each boiled leaves Observation
The taste of boiled lemon grass is The children don’t
not so sweet and not also bitter demand when they drink it
The taste of boiled star apple is the children don’t want
bitter to drink because of its taste
The taste of boiled lagundi Is more bitter and it is also for couch only.

It shows that the children want the taste of boiled lemon grass than the other boiled leaves. One reason is because of its taste. We cannot able to give boiled lagundi to the children suffer from diarrhea further to make new medicine.


1. We can produced diarrhea medicine out of lemon grass, ginger, water and sugar.
2. The proposed medicine has no side effect because its ingredients that doesn’t contain chemical.
3. We don’t need to spend more money in producing this project. Simply get lemon grass and put sugar, ginger and water and boil it.


1. Research about combination of plants that can cure illness.
2. Study the plants that do not contain chemical. Then taste if it can cure illness.
3. Study further about plants that can cure illness to help the people who are lack of money to buy expensive medicine.


senna said...


LilKunDiiEe28 said...

how tO MAke thE tabLE??
PM me PLEase!!!!
thats my YM


LilKunDiiEe28 said...

Where is the method of this experiment?

Gypsy Mae Melgar said...

method ang procedure are jus the same :)))

Domo kun monster said...

can i have this as my investigatory project...plssss.......i need this on wednesday..... ^_^

Unknown said...

how to make the table of contents?

Unknown said...

hello!! can i please continue your study, i really need an investigatory project and this is pretty interesting

Unknown said...
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valeria said...

can i use your investigatory project as a reference?
Thank you